Moved on! Check TheCairoCalls
(I'm on an egomanical-titles roll today)
Listen, when I first started this blog, I didn't intend at all to start picking on people. That's the reason why I never chatted on-line, or posted to on-line forums before. It was like I-can-type-more-obscenities-faster-than-you kind of competition. Not really my cup of tea.
But, I find it really hard to keep my mouth shut.
So Sandmonkey, sorry but I had to do this.
Here goes.
Listen buddy, you seem like a nice guy (a bit hyperactive, but nice anyways), and I happen to share a lot of opinions with you. I even added you to my links (look to your right), so really nothing bad between us. I really share your hate for closed minded ideologists who refuse to open up to the world, and to communicate about their differences. I also share your resentment of people who decide to write-off people and ideas from the
get-go without giving them the opportunity to explain themselves or to decipher their motives. I also find it really hard to sympathize with people who dismiss an entire country like the USA, when it is standing for the values of democracy and
free trade. And, I couldn't agree on you more that we can't ask all people to be replicas of each others, but rather all we can hope for is for people to be
civilized despite their differences.
Uh..wait a second...why am I sympathizing with you again?
(if you didn't get it, click on the links above to see how he didn't stand for the things he said he would stand for)
Look Sandmonkey, I believe that you stand for the things that you said you stand for. I can understand also the pressure of having to post 5000 times a day; there isn't really that many topics to speak about. But my problem is that you sometime send very mixed signals. For example I know that you're against the moronic opposition to the Dubai ports deal, but then you posted
this, and I was like, what does this monkey mean? (no insult intended). But I tended to go over those things.
Until it was today. In two successive posts, you single-handedly diminished any suspicion I might had that you're actually a libertarian, as you claim you are. In the first one you tried to
debase this singer guy (singer! rings any
bells?), and kept second guessing him, because he sang a song about veiled girls. Big deal! I mean I might not approve of girls being forced to wear veils, but that doesn't mean that the guy is a fraud, or that he is a hypocrite, or that he is 'exploiting religion', and he most certainly didn't imply that "..Very bad western world. Very very bad!..". It just means that he doesn't agree with you on everything! So what?! You should be able to "tolerate" this, and actually praise the fact that he is taking a stand against Bin Laden (even if only verbally), something which we both know, isn't very popular with neo-muslims.
In the second
post however, you topped yourself. You were very successful in emulating the thought process of radical, extremist, fanatical jihadiys, you're having issues with. These guys would have a sheikh come to them to tell them that a certain book is bad, and they shouldn't even read it, but rather avenge for their religion and kill the author. Well, you didn't exactly call for killing the director of the movie, (as I said, I believe you're good), but you, nevertheless, had the audacity to say that about a movie (any movie) :
even before seeing this movie, I declare that I stand against it and what it stands for, and I won't be hailing it in any way, even if it's good
Now, don't you agree with me that some Wahabi nutjob can say the same exact phrase about "The Passion of The Christ" for example?
Now if you intend to reply to that, please don't sound-bite me. I don't approve of suicide bombings under any circumstances. I even wrote about that
earlier, and got some angry comments. But I don't approve of bank robberies either, but I like "
Bonnie and Clyde", and as I said earlier, I really don't believe in Scorsese's
interpretation of Christ's story, but I like the movie all the same.
Nobody who dismiss a song or a movie on face value can be called 'libertarian' in my book. No body!
The above piece was written in the best of intentions. Please read it carefully, or else you're going down SM. Not because of me, but because of your failure to uphold the principles which you claim to ascribe to.
But hey, they say that dissin' is the greatest form of admiration! Respect!
update: Sandmonkey just replied to the post here. Couldn't be classier. Thanks mate, seriously. And I'll have to agree that criticism is flattering, you lucky bastard. (And thanks for the link too...Mwah!)
Here is the real
reply. Must read. (
So you were trying to contradict yourself to fool idiots, like myself, into reacting in a way which will eventually shock westerners by contradicting their views of us! Brilliant! SM...Mwwwwwah!)
Read my analysis of this debate,