The Post of A Conspiracy Theory Convert
I'm smelling a rat with the Heathrow airport 'incident'.
Here is what I think: Blair is really feeling the heat of public opposition to his pro-US policy. So he gives a call to the big W in Washington, who gives him the dirt "Get your CIA people to play with the colors...if you know what I mean" and he winks, to which Blair replies "first, I think they're called Mi5 over here, and secondly stop winking, George Michael was that close to outing us!"; Bush, rolling his eyes "Anywho...just give the people some action, turn this alert thing to red, and people would be rallying around you like you're Kylie Minogue"; Blair, nervous, "I said stop hitting on me already"....
The conversation went on, until Laura stormed into the room...but that's not the point.
The point is, for the first time in my life, I'm willing to bet my pants on a conspiracy theory!

As a conspiracy-theory assassin myself, I wouldn't generally agree with your post... but, as a co-worker said to me:
Whenever they start saying that people are in custody and the operation is still going on... that basically means their attempts at fabrication are still going on.
Remember the two Muslim guys in Leeds?
Faisal, at
August 10, 2006 2:35 PM
whats up with that sa7e7?!
TB, at
August 10, 2006 2:37 PM
I'm pretty sure that Bin Laden is on the CIA's payroll to.
They pay him 100mil / year to make an audio sound bite every six months.
God you people are idiots.
Anonymous, at
August 10, 2006 3:15 PM
Good to have you blogging again, Tom.
Fætter Vims, at
August 11, 2006 12:56 AM
Which terrorist organisation on this earth has the intellegence to plan for the destruction of 10 planes ????!!!!
I just can't buy it.
Belya, at
August 11, 2006 1:29 AM
You are joking, Tomanbay. Aren't you?
Lol! I love it. Play with the colors!
Anonymous, at
August 12, 2006 4:05 AM
"Which terrorist organisation on this earth has the intellegence to plan for the destruction of 10 planes ?"____Al Qaeda has the services of plenty of people with college degrees in electronics, chemistry, etc. Don't underestimate their intelligence. And this is a re-run of a plot that was used in 1995.
Anonymous, at
August 12, 2006 8:25 PM
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