Inventory Check
But despair was never a solution. So here we go again...
Ah...this and the fact that some blogs are getting so damn annoying, and tedious had motivated me to start writing here again. So, yeah, I'm here to get this party started.
Nah, I'm kidding. But seriously, is it just me or is continuing to list ways in which Muslims are ignorant scumbags, going ballistic about the fall of secularism in Somalia (yeah, because you know, Somalia was the beacon of secularism all along!), or bitching about the rise of communism in Bolivia...a bit, you know, as irritating as reading about the unprecedented performance of the Egyptian economy (we're the only country whose leading newspaper can have a headline like "An impressive recovery for the Egyptian Stock Exchange" next to a chart for the market index going down faster than a meteor!)
Plus, during my short time off I was able to watch such goodies as this
Anyways, the reason I'm writing to you is not to bash anybody, nah, that's not what I'm about. Instead I'm asking you to help me in a little thing I'm trying to do.
You see, when facing any situation or a problem, you have to have a clear idea of what are the elements that pertain to that situation, right? So, I'm doing a bit of an inventory check (which might turn out to be a sort of reality check as well) of who are really the players in the whole 'situation' we're having in Egypt...Here is the run down:
- Mubarak: for all what matters the man could be clubbing in St Tropez right now. Really, where are you ya raees, we're missing the gridlocks!
- Mubarak: (Jr, duh!) the lovestruck sweet heart IS clubbing in St Tropez right now. Of course enroute between Cairo, and Washington. This man has to be cut some slack...most people find it hard as it is to propose to one prospective father-on law; this guy has to appease Diga's dad in Cairo, and Big Daddy in Washington. The tragedy!
- MB (Muslim Bros..yeah...I ghetto!) Well, roll calls at their meeting should be a real challenge. If they continue being arrested at this rate, they'd be extinct before Haifaa takes off another piece of clothes (very narrow timeframe, believe me). Their positions: well, we're against the government, but won't field enough candidates to overthrow it; we're against succession, but we don't plan to run against Gamal; and we support the judges, but our car broke on our way to Ramses to support them!
- The judges: where are the judges?! (no, seriously please tell me, I'm getting worried)
- Kifaya: Still struggling. Do you really think that going to international courts against abusing officers is a good idea to repair the foreign-funded-traitors image some ordinary people have? (I'm just thinking out loud, seriously!)
- Nazif: everytime you try to brush off the "nerd" image, you come off as the "angry little man/mouthpiece". "Nerd" is better if you ask me. Embrace who you really are Nizi!
(Anything north of 2 comments is considered a riot in this blog apparently!)

What about the press? (Preferably the opposition press). They're certainly gaining influence as time passes. Other than that I think you just summed them all up.
I can also relate to the "Anything north of 2 comments.." part ;-)
The Sphinx, at
June 10, 2006 1:24 AM
Actually I read something about Jimmy Mubarak being gay!
hind rostom, at
June 10, 2006 9:24 AM
well... the anything north of 2 comments can be blamed on you analysing everything in such a way that leaves us nothing else to add (could be)
i believe you summed it all more or less, the army could do something but i think they are too armied out to think or cause change, plus i doubt that if there was ever another "zobaat a7rar" movement that the current "king" would leave peacefully or actually order his "7arass el malaky" to stand down, it would get violent, none of that masry ye7areb masry-king farouk bullshit happening here anytime soon
no one stands a chance against Jimmy and we all know it, we're just praying something else happens
KareemFromEgypt, at
June 13, 2006 6:57 PM
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