Where were you the day Zidane Butt-Headed Materazzi?
Well, for the 1 billion non-Americans who followed the worldcup final (well, I know somebody in Cleveland, and another in San Francisco who might have watched the game!), we now have a memory to rival J.F.K's assassination: we witnessed the day Zidane went Dodge-ing on Materazzi!!
It doesn't get more dramatic than this. Hell, after seeing the picture of Zidane walking past the world cup, I thought that this is turning into some sort of a Greek tragedy.
I hear that Zidane intends to announce the reason for his moment of insanity in a press conference today. I think Adidas should stop him from doing that. They could spin this whole thing into a comic, or a movie.
People love good mystery!

welcome back tomanbay....Zizo ended his career in a dramatic way that will be remembered even if you dont agrre to what he had done
Anonymous, at
July 13, 2006 1:47 PM
It was quiet a shock at the beggining but after a billion replays and the shock wearing out and the whole thing sinking in and after knowing what everybody knows now about Matterrazi, I can understand why Zidane did that.
Still, nothing could beat the most asked question in Egypt 14 years ago "Where were you during the earthquake?".
Welcome back man, we need you.
Anonymous, at
July 13, 2006 10:44 PM
can u beleive that Zidane was fined 7,500 Swiss francs ($6,014)??
Veeeva, at
July 20, 2006 7:08 PM
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