"Lucky is the One Who Make Me Cry..."
Despite their apparent cynic nature, or maybe because of it, Egyptians do need trauma in their lives. Our raison d'etre, as our French friends would put it, is coping with sadness, and loss.
Just notice the women who decide to wear black for the rest of her life, because her husband die. Or notice how all songs that are played in public transportation, and poor neighborhoods, are about how unjust times are, and how everybody, especially those the singer thought were his friends, turned their backs and betrayed him, etc...
In today's Ahram (a paper which I am trying to boycott, Anis Mansour (a writer I'm not a big fan of) writes a column(English m/t), about this same exact topic. He is relating our characteristics to the ancient story of the "Eloquent Peasant".
It is a very nice read, and surprisingly, very insightful!

the saying says "better make me cry and people cry on me, rather than make me laugh and make people laugh of me."
Anonymous, at
August 21, 2006 2:10 AM
yeah i know...was just trying to make a point....
anyways, we have a wealth of pretty depressing proverbs:
"Gat el 7azena tefra7 mala2lhash matra7": When the sad woman started to be happy, she could not find a place for her
"el mat3os mat3os walaw 3ala2o 3ala baeto fanos":The unlucky will stay unlucky, even if they hang a lantern on his head.
TB, at
August 21, 2006 10:13 AM
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